Thursday, September 29, 2005

Attack of the Giant Squid!
Thanks to gabrielle for the headsup- we finally have some footage of a living, mature giant squid! Although you can mostly just see tentacle, which is okay because that preserves an aura of mystery about the mighty Architeuthis. Since the link gabby put in the Droppings doesn't seem to work for us Firefox users, I will send you here instead.
I guess that makes my story about giant squids obsolete! Which is a good thing- the whole point was to find one, right? Still no one has yet seen a living Longman's Beaked whale, though. That story has just now disappeared forever into the oceanic depths that are my archives, but you can find it here.
In fact I read that story at G-Arts, and commissioned an illustration for it, done by the very talented Emily Weber.

She specializes in fun pictures of General Grievous so go check out her gallery (by clicking on the picture)! Ninja Ewoks!

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