Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Those who know me know I am pretty loosey goosey (or, as I prefer to call it, bearly carely) when it comes to planning. "What, we're embarking on our around-the-world trek next week? Let's go get tickets then. Tomorrow." But my dear wife is wired quite differently. She is much more organized than I. Today she went and got herself one of those daytimer things, do you know what I mean? They are sort of like a calendar and you can write all the things in them that you have to do for a certain day, and carry it around with you so you don't forget. Cool concept. But the one she bought is for 2006! She needs one for 2005. In fact, a new U of A daytimer would be just about perfect. So . . . who has one that doesn't need it? Can we have it?
We could trade you for a never-been-used 2002 daytimer that I got for my birthday a few years ago. Or a cup of coffee.

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