Thursday, January 19, 2006


After almost a week of living in our new house, we are settling in quite nicely. Maybe even too nicely, since I accidentally chased off the guy who was shovelling my sidewalk for free. Well, I didn't chase him off so much as tell him that he didn't need to do it anymore, since the house had occupants now. And then a few seconds later I realized how utterly foolish that was. D'oh! Come back, free snowshoveller guy! Come baaaaack!
Oh well. I bought a fancy ergonomically sensitive snowshovel at the hardware store the other day so I might as well make use of it. Before it gets stolen. And speaking of hardware stores, I have been to the Home Depot more times this week than ever before in the rest of my life put together. Weird.
Anyways, the picture you see at the top is my new work area, replete with many bears and General Grievouses to make me happy and unproductive. What do I need to be productive for anyways? I'm on holidays. Heck, I'm still in my Pyjama Power™!

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