Sunday, January 22, 2006

Today was one of those "you really feel like a coal miner" days. Being open pit miners, we are far removed from the black faces and canaries of undergrounders (and thankfully far removed from their dangers as well) so though we get dirty every day, it is not usually too bad. Today the wind was howling off the mountains something fierce, gusting upwards of 60 km/hr, blowing coal dust in my eyes and face all day as I was down on the ground doing various things, not least of which was help one of these get unstuck. Even through my goggles and other protective gear I was completely black. I had Trent Reznor eyeliner, and cried tears of coal. In fact, I sneezed snot of coal, too! And I pooed . . . well, it doesn't quite get THAT deep. Though I can't really explain how my kneecaps and feet even get coaly.

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