Sunday, January 15, 2006

All moved in to our new house! Yay! It's hard to believe we own a little piece of Edmonton. Not a very big piece, but still. It's mine! I can't wait to get a rocking chair so I can sit out on our veranda with a shotgun on my lap, telling everyone who walks by, "Quit walking on my sidewalk!" Or maybe I could just set up a tollbooth, and charge a toonie to pass. That might help with our mortgage payments. Hmmm. That's a pretty good idea. Though Michelle and I seem to have very different philosophies concerning what makes a good idea.

Big bear hugs to everyone who helped us move: Ma and Pa Z, Alex, Crogdor, Erika, SuperDrew (who came directly from the airport!), Dave, and Papa Bear. Thank you all very much! You helped make it the easiest move ever.

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