Friday, January 27, 2006

Wow, here's something I started back in July of 2004 and completley forgot all about. I don't really know where I was going with it, though it likely was anticipating gabrielle's and my trip. Anyways, I found it in my drafts archive and I just finished it off in a few minutes for something to do, taking it in a completely different direction, I guess. No real clever wordplay that I like to think is my forte. Just a quick bit of silliness. 

Homie and the Sea Turtle

 Homie Bear in polar mode 
 Decided to see the antipode 
 He went to where the icebergs flowed 
 Caught a current and off he goed 
 He promised a postcard to the coastguard 
 Waved byebye to his whale friend Blubbalard
And settled back to enjoy the trip 
 But he was intercepted by a pirate ship 
 They wanted swag and booty and gold 
 But all Homie had was ice and cold 
 So they went away but first they say 
"Watch out for sharks when you get to the bay" 
Homie said, "Sharks! That sounds pretty cool!" 
He decided to see them, like a big fool 
He went to Shark Island and clambered ashore 
He didn't see sharks, they don't live there no more 
But he saw a green turtle, laying eggs in the sand 
And got her some water, to help lend a hand 
The turtle said "Thanks, my name is Ferg 
"And I can't help but notice that your little iceberg 
"Is melting too fast in the tropical heat 
"You're sweating so much you smell like old sheet 
"So hop on my shell and I'll take you home 
"I've always wanted to see where polar bears roam" 
So Homie said sure and he went back to the Arctic 
Leaving his iceberg right there where he parked it 
And Ferg liked it so much in the great white old north 
That she became a polar turtle from that time henceforth 
Which is why when you time travel a million years from last week 
You see white sea turtles with white shells and white beaks! 

 There. Hope you like it. I better go make supper for Michelle. Speaking of my beautiful wife, tomorrow is her birthday, so please all send her some love! And maybe for a gift you can suggest a nice romantic song (but not dumb, okay?) and I can make the compilation!

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