Sunday, July 30, 2006

Does anyone remember Mighty Man and Monster Maker? I had it when I was a kid, but I forgot all about it until I read Andrew's blog. How could someone forget something as cool as that? Must be all the other great things crammed into my memory. Like, I knew someone who had this toy sand quarry. It was just a piece of cardboard covered with bubble plastic, and inside was a bunch of sand and some dumptrucks. Then you used a magnet to drive the dumptrucks around. Something like that, anyways. That's a little foggy too, partly because I would never want to forget the Master Blaster. It was an electronic game where you shot missiles at little UFO blips that shimmied their way down to earth. PSPs? PShaw!
I also really liked my little Battlestar Galactica ships that had little red plastic bits that would pop out when you shot them. Mostly, of course, I played with all my Star Wars figures. Still do!

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