Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pirate Month: The Kraken Strikes Back!

Dead Man's Chest was good fun, a great middle chapter of a trilogy. So long as Pirates 3 doesn't have ewoks, we should be okay! But to tell the truth, ole Homie Bear likes ewoks. Little forest cousins, I call them. Did you know that Lucas was once sued by someone who claimed he stole the Ewok idea? If I recall correctly, that guy was from Calgary but I could be wrong. The internet is strangely silent on the subject. Lucas' defense was that ewoks were simply half-wookies, and he even took the name by rearranging the word wookie. More cynical observers may have remarked that he should have pled guilty just so he could saddle the blame on someone else! Sadly, no one has yet claimed that Lucas stole JarJar Binks.
You may think I am indulging in some weird, non-piratical digression here but actually it segues into this item about how the producers of POTC are being sued for allegedly stealing the idea for everything from supernatural pirates to the name "Black Pearl". I have no idea how much merit there is to this suit, but I think it would be so sweet if Bruckheimer et al's defense consisted of just one word:

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