Thursday, August 17, 2006

X3 and Pirates were my only "must sees" for this year. Everything else of interest I can wait for DVD (V For Vendetta kicked much ass). Except maybe for Snakes on a Plane! I see many Oscars in its future. I believe this will open up a whole new genre so let me present to you a plot synopsis for

Bears on a Bus

A kindly old lady named Ethel (played by Trent Reznor, perhaps, or Viggo Mortenson) is on bus #9 returning to her nursing home from her grocery shopping trip. She is suffering a slow but steady descent into senility, as will be revealed in a series of heart-wrenching flashbacks throughout the movie. She tries to engage the driver in conversation, as she is very lonely, but he is gruff and eventually she gives up and just stares sadly out the window. She feels useless and forgotten.
The bus stops and three thuggish lads wearing bright neon-colored swastikas and carrying huge lumpy sacks board the bus. Ethel looks them over and doesn't like what she sees- she recognizes them as Neon-Nazis, a pernicious group of white supremacists. When they force her to move out of the seat reserved for the elderly she is disgusted, and calls them "Fascist shitheads".
Suddenly, the neon-nazis release the bears that were expertly hidden in their canvas sacks- a black bear, a grizzly and a polar bear. Chaos! The bus driver is the first to be eaten, and one of the neon-nazis takes the wheel. They deliver a sternly teutonic lecture on the supremacies of both Aryans and fascists, and most of the passengers are terrified. The bears are still causing havoc.
But Ethel stays calm. She uses some of her groceries (which will have great potential for product placement)to subdue the bears, and in the climax, smears the leader of the nazis with oatmeal and leberwurst, providing an ironic and hilarious death when the snow white polar bear devours him. Ethel says the German equivalent of "hasta la vista baby" or maybe "Is that oatmeal just right, sucka?" or possibly "Snap, you SS-wannabe shithead!" This can be rewritten to reflect the latest catchphrase- whatever a focus groups respond best to.
Ethel has a new lease on life as she starts a bear sanctuary and begins the process of rehabilitating the bears, who of course are not racist but merely victims of the Neon Reich.

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