Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This round of nightshifts was fairly boring- for the first three nights I was digging rocks on the shovel. Boring. There was a brief moment of excitement going home one morning when our bus driver nearly plowed into the back of a parked haultruck at 80 kph. Yeah it was dark but the truck is big as a house and hard to miss. Plus it had its backup lights on. And the only reason he didn't slam right into it was because a busload of miners was yelling at him to swerve. I don't think he'll be our bus driver anymore- that wasn't even his first incident, just the one that required the most changes of underwear.
Last night was also pretty boring except my friend Robin showed me how to find Ceres, the asteroid now classified as a dwarf planet. It's not bright enough to see with the naked eye but if you have binoculars it's almost visible. And by almost I mean not really at all. But it IS up there! And hopefully, that's where it'll stay.
Also, I changed my mind about the trilobite fossil- I'd way rather have one of these.

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