Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've been neglecting quite a few things lately, and not least among them is sasquatches. I've been mildly obsessed with them my whole life but have hardly given them a thought since my daughter was born. Today when I was driving home from Hinton I saw two bipedal figures cutting across a farmer's field. They were farmers, of course. But it's entirely possible that they were also sasquatches. It's not often you see two sasquatches so close to the highway like that. Were they a mated pair? A mama and a child, like a bear sow and cub? It's hard to say for sure. And were they migrating back north after the winter? Not much is known about the migration patterns of bigfoots. All these mysteries. I guess I could have stopped and taken some pictures but I know sasquatches are way more fun with a little mystique. As soon as you capture one and give it a latin name it's all over. Well, that would still be cool. What should its latin name be? Sasquatch sasquatchus, probably. Homo horribilis would be cool too.

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