Monday, April 12, 2010

Remember when The White Stripes did that crazy cross-Canada tour and hit every province and territory? Plus they played free impromptu shows at the strangest places? Yeah, me and Michelle tried to get tickets and failed. Luckily they made a kickass documentary about the tour, White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights. If you like them you'll love the film. It's beautiful and full of great concert footage and all the little moments that make documentaries so fabulous. At one point Jack is playing a song on the piano, White Moon, and Meg is crying and you can't help but tear up a little too.
Anyways, a friend sent me a link to this YouTube video a friend of hers did. Wow. Check it out, and Jack White, if you're reading (and he of course reads Pooing in the Woods every day right?), give the kid a call!

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