Monday, March 14, 2011

So I been working a bit of overtime lately. Sundays are doubley good because you get doubley pay. Your always a little apprehensive about going for OT. For one thing you'd way rather have the day off. Especially when it's Spring Forward night and you have to get up at what feels like 4AM. Then there's a whole nother crew that you don't really know, that's kind of weird. I just pretend it's a based-on-real-life movie where none of the actors quite look like the people they're playing. And you generally get put on the oldest, decrepitest piece of equipment out there.
But yesterday was pretty much the best shift ever. Yeah, I was on 17 truck, which isn't quite as old as me but it's older by a few years than, hmmm, the fall of the Soviet Union. But I didn't haul a single load before first coffee, through no fault of my own. Shovel 8 was down. Actu8ally I did haul 1 load off of shovel 9 but I got stuck and had to dump it right there and was sent out of that pit. Goal disallowed! After coffee 8 came back up but 10 went down so all the trucks were diverted to 8. I got 4 loads from then until second coffee. Four goals in the second period of a hockey game is not so bad but in mining, not so good. After coffee I got stuck again and so I hauled only two more loads, off of 22 loader which was also having issues. And that was my day thanks for the big bag o' cash!
I got to read quite a few comic books this week, not only yesterday but also when i was on 22 loader on my own crew. You just load three trucks and send them on their way and then sit there for an hour and a half. Got caught up on some old Walter Simonson Thor, that was good stuff. Essex County was really cool, you might remember Sara Quin championed it for Canada Reads. What else. Some Hulk. I love Hulk so much. Usagi Yojimbo.

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