Thursday, July 21, 2011

So. Wicked. MIchelle loved it and that was the main thing. And I didn't mind it- some funny parts. The sets were pretty good, the singing was . . . Broadwayey, but impressive in its way. Yeah. I loved Elphaba. The flying monkeys were a bit of a letdown, as I suppose all non-actual monkeys have to be. You know who did a really wonderful Wizard of Oz adaptation? Marvel Comics! Eric Shanower did the writing chores and the great Skottie Young arted it. Here are some of the covers he did for it. It won some Eisner Awards, which are handed out every year at SDCC. Hey, isn't SDCC going on right this minute?? Why yes! In fact you could go see Skottie Young at table 4601.
I actually finally gave in and joined Twitter today, just so I could follow pretty much anyone who's at SDCC. The second hand highlights of Day 1- Dave Filoni promised ScubaTroopers in Season 4 of Clone Wars! There's a Game of Thrones pedicab with the Iron Throne for the seat! Someone said 7000 people were unable to get seats for the Game of Thrones panel??

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