Thursday, July 28, 2011

Her First Movie

We were finally able to take Pallas to her very first movie today, Winnie the Pooh. She loved it, and cried at the end. Not because it has a sad ending, but because she wanted "more dat movie" and we had to tell her you only get to watch it once. We also brought Naia, for reasons of logistics. Logistics, obviously, being very important when you have two little ones. Originally we were gonna drop Naia off at a friend's and take Pallas by herself. Our friend's schedule dictated that we would have had to go to a 1:00 or 2:00 show, which, logistically, was less than ideal because Pallas would miss her nap and who wants to have a grumpy child at a movie theater? Then again, with two children, the chances of having an unsatisfied theatre-goer more than doubles, it like, hundredifies. So we chose a 5 PM showing, figuring the theatre would be mostly empty and we were right, there was another couple of kids and we all agreed to just not sweat it if anyone cried. So success! For the most part.
The movie itself was alright. Now, I understand that I am not the target audience of such a film- my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter is. BUt even so I had pretty high expectations- only because I really enjoyed The Tigger Movie, which I thought was clever and had a good story with good action and even some rich emotional content. Srsly! I'm being serious. So I assumed this movie would be on the same level, and though it was totally fine and Pallas liked it, I was surprised there wasn't more to it- the Quest for the Tail and the introduction of a perfectly acceptable, if imaginary, antagonist made me think there would be. More to it, I mean. Oh well. You don't really wanna go the whole Spike Jonze route either, though imagine if the Backson had been the manifestation of a debilitating illness afflicting Christopher Robin in the real word, just like all the Pooh Bears and Tiggers are stuffed animals in his real life . . . anyways. Pallas liked it!

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