Friday, February 08, 2008

Fanart Friday: Aayla Secura
Of all the thousands of characters to appear in the Star Wars movies, Aayla Secura is unique in that she was a comic book import. Lucas saw the cover painting on an issue of Darkhorse's Star Wars series and decided to put her in the movie. She was in a few scenes in Episodes II and III and then was shot in the back by some clone troopers. It would have been waaaay cooler if she had had even a brief fight scene where she takes a few of them with her but oh well. She lives on in fanart. We'll start with a collaboration between penciller Rene Cordova and colors by Redeve, and then a chibi Aayla just by Redeve. Then another collab between penciller Wardog-Zero and colorist thisisanton:

This row features art by my pals FunkYeti, dpdagger and joefreakingrocks:

Here, themico shows her in action against some vikings or something, and the goblinqueeen gives her a retro look:

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