Friday, February 22, 2008

Fanart Friday: The Diamond Age

So I just reread Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age for the fourth time. One of my favorite books of all time. This time around I read it because it was my pick for our book club. Yeah, I'm in a book club with some of my wife's friends. First we read The Garneau Block by local writer Todd Babiak ('twas good, but alas there exists no Garneau Block fan art in the entire universe that I am aware of) and then it was my turn to pick a science fiction book. Hopefully they like it- Michelle read it but I think she wasn't thrilled in the same way as I was. Oh well. Anyways, there isn't a whole lot of Diamond Age fan art out there either- I'm cheating a little and including the above professional painting for the French translation, depicting Nell astride a Chevaline.
From Ariokh's beautiful painting of Hackworth and his Chevaline Kidnapper you could be forgiven if you thought the book was steampunk, but in fact it is a nanotech book with a Victorian framework set in China. It concerns a young girl named Nell who finds a copy of the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, an interactive book designed to encourage subversiveness. Nell is rendered here by Pyroiguana. The Primer provides Nell within its world with Night Friends who teach her the skills she needs to survive and prosper- in real life they are her stuffed animals. Megolas gives possibly the only extant picture of the Night Friends.

And that's about it for Diamond Age fan art! As a special bonus you can return to Ariokh's gallery for a cool portrait of Raven from Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.

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