Friday, February 15, 2008

Fanart Friday: Cowboy Bebop

Since yesterday was Valentine's Day it's only fitting to feature Faye Valentine and her bounty hunting buddies! Actually it's been five years since I've seen an episode of Cowboy Bebop, so if anyone wants to send me the series on DVD they would be more than welcome. Now, one trouble with anime and manga fanart is that most of it is done in the anime style, without much in the way of personal style. Which is why I love this first picture so much, by borogove13. The next one is a colored version of diablo2003's always-amazing lines. Nick SpazerCo follows with some Popeye Bebop. Finally we have a great cosplay photo, which is fanart of a different kind, from Kuragiman's gallery.

Daimida brings us an oekaki of Faye Valentine- oekaki means drawn on a web browser, basically. Then a cool Spike from EndersTruth and a watercolor Jet by RedXII. There's this guy at work whose name is Spike and I always say "Eh Spike-u" in my best Jet voice. He has no idea why. Can't forget Ed, she's my favorite, and I like Reenigirl's version.

Eh Spike-u!

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