Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Does anyone out there have a background in paleontology? I took a course as part of my geology degree, and seriously it was my favorite class. I could soooo be a paleontologist. When I was a kid I knew everything there was to know about dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals (actually the early mammals were always my favorite- titanotherium and the like). Although in reality a lot of paleo is just studying diatoms. The glamourous stuff is much harder to get into, just like marine biology and pretty much everything else in the world.
Anyways, the reason I ask is because my paleo professor once showed us a slide of an alternate theory for a Triceratops body plan. Rather than having its shield outside the body, floating, so to speak, this theory had the shield being part of the endoskeleton, giving Triceratops a big hump. The picture was kind of cool, but in the intervening ten years I have never come across anything more on the subject. I typed in "alternate morphology triceratops" and didn't come up with anything (though somehow a page promising pictures of Britney's boobs came up- that would be quite the alternate morphology) and after that I'm stumped. I imagine the theory was quickly rejected, but I still would like to track that down. For old time's sake.

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