Monday, August 16, 2004

One-Man Fellowships and Headless Women
If you haven't been down to the Fringe yet, you better hurry. I think tickets to the amazing One-Man Lord of the Rings Trilogy are as scarce as cute little bunnies in Barad-dur. Luckily, we got ours in advance, and you can go read gabrielle's review, which also includes an account of her death-defying encounter with a big bummy bum.
We saw the same guy (Charles Ross) do the One-Man Star Wars Trilogy last year and are still laughing at the memories- turns out Lucas himself got wind of it and hired him to come down and perform at Skywalker Ranch or something like that- it's a big deal. Yet he manages to outdo himself with his adaptation of LOTR- his Gollum is spot-on. He does the entire trilogy in one hour exactly. Peter Jackson could have saved a lot of money and just hired Ross.
But like I say, if you don't have tickets yet I think you will be out of luck. But there are many other things to do at the Fringe- take in one of the other plays, or see the headless woman (you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't), or you can even possibly meet Jesus, like my friend and coworker Alissa did.

PS- Blogger has apparently added yet another feature we can't opt out of- that bloggerbar on the top there. At first it was a clashy blue color and it was blocking out my banner, but I fixed that at least. On the plus side, you can now search for the word "poo" in my archives!

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