Thursday, March 31, 2005

I was reading this passage in Jonathan Stroud's The Golem's Eye:
The second John Mandrake was a furniture-maker's son who had spent his life researching the many variants of demonic mite. He had amassed a list of 1703 increasingly irrelevant subtypes before one of them, a Lesser Frilled Green Hornetwing, stung him in an unguarded area; he swelled to the size of a chaise lounge and so died.

Just then some kind of smallish bug of a type I had never seen before landed on my chest and tried to bite me. So I decided it would be prudent to prevent this from happening. But it got me to thinking- that would be a cool way for a book to be interactive. I'm not really sure how they would accomplish that though. Maybe through nanolasers, fiberoptics or a certain type of geosynchronous satellite, or more likely through some combination of all three.

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