Friday, March 04, 2005

After six nightshifts you might think I have turned into a zombie, and you would be correct. That's why I have reanimated my corpse with an all-Zombie playlist which I share with you here:

1. Start off with the monster track of all Zombietunes- More Human Than Human. Arrgh my disc is scratched, but the skips sorta sound like a cool remix, so it's okay I guess. I am the astro-cr-cr-cr-creep!
2. Move back in time a bit for some Thunder Kiss '65. Yeah!
3. Though Rob has had a pretty good solo career, with Dragula and Living Dead Girl and appearing on pretty much every comic book movie soundtrack for the past 7 years, I think his cover of Blitzkrieg Bop is the best thing he has done post-White. ZombieRamones!
4. But come to think of it I haven't heard Dragula for a while so throw that on, too!
5. Rob's brother Spider fronts Powerman 5000 and everybody loves Nobody's Real.
6. You probably know that Scum of the Earth are part of the Zombie universe, since it features members of both Zombie and Powerman, and Get Your Dead On actually helps you get your dead off, and wakes you right up!
7. Finally, make up your own song about zombie bears and send it to me! Mine goes like this:

Zombie bears! Yeah! Zombie! Bears! Yeah!

(I've been awake since yesterday, so that is the best I can do as a just-recently reanimated zombie corpse)

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