Monday, March 14, 2005

Pooing in the Woods has a new look! Yay! What do you think? I'm still working on the finer details like my link menus and a title bar and stuff, but for now here is the shinier, cleanier Poo!
I've been wanting to make the site a little easier to read for quite a while now- something more along the lines of a classic black-text-on-white-background. All I needed was for it to be more better than just a white background with black text. So I asked the amazing and generous Sarah How of Pencil Shavings to draw me some bears. Huge thanks and bear hugs to Sarah. I love her art- so fun and joyful.
Please let me know what you think (in the droppings), and if it shows up alright on your screen- it looks good to me but I have 800 X 600 resolution. I used alignment and relative-position tags rather than absolute pixel positions in my CSS so I think it should still be alright regardless of your resolution. I think- I glean all my CSS knowledge by googling "CSS tutorials" whenever I need to tinker.
This is what you should see, hopefully:

And I saved the old template with all the links here.

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