Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Edmonton Journal is having a poetry contest, judged by our very own Poet Laureate, Alice Major. You can enter one, and only one, previously unpublished poem. So I am having trouble deciding which one to enter- I suppose I could write one for it but between work and my other writing projects on the go I doubt I will have time. Since rhyming poems aren't taken seriously by anyone these days, I won't enter any of my funny little rhyming couplet poems. So I need your help and advice- I have narrowed it down to one of the following non-rhymey poems, and would appreciate your feedback as to which one I should enter.
First, there's E=mc², one of my favorites. I wrote it in anticipation of the trip gabrielle and I took that I mentioned a few days ago.
Then there's Love Poem, With Robots. I like it because it has my traditional fun whimsical element, but is also a semi-seriously romantic poem.
Finally, my favorite poem, but maybe one that's a little too strange for this contest: Cadaverous Cattle.
Thanks for your feedback- even if it's to say that I suck!
And when you're done, go check out this Japanese video that purports to show a Megalodon , and decide if it's really the ancient terror of the deep returned to life (they occasionally dredge up unfossilized Megalodon teeth, you know!) or just some other, more mundane species of shark. Either way it's pretty crazy.
And a local man says he has a sasquatch on tape! The next holy grail of cryptozoologists will be a video of a bigfoot wrestling a megalodon. And maybe I should write an epic poem about this titanic match and submit it to the Journal.

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