Saturday, February 24, 2007

Crash Course In Brain Surgery
So yeah, along with Battlestar Galactica I've been getting into Grey's Anatomy lately. It's pretty good- I still haven't figured out for sure which character is the Cylon agent. My money's on Sandra Oh but it could just as easily be that McDreamy guy- he's just a little too perfect if you ask me.
I know it's a TV show, but one thing I appreciate about it is how it makes brain surgery look so routine. They're like, "We need to cut out half of your daughter's brain and we need to do it in the next five minutes or the Cylons will destroy the Earth she'll die!" And then they go and do it. Easy! There's no sense that operating on someone's brain is this crazy hard thing to do, it's just a normal part of their day. Which makes sense- they're brain surgeons! They say to each other, "This isn't exactly brain surgery you know. Or actually, that's exactly what this is but no problem- that's what I do."
Which sets my mind at ease as my sister goes in for a little brain surgery on Tuesday.

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