Monday, August 13, 2007

Siroi Yami No Naka
. . . is Japanese for I have no idea what. I think it means crazy catchy Japanese rap, what House of Pain might have sounded like if they had emigrated to Hokkaido or something and managed to have a career. Anyways, it comes to my attention because I mentioned to someone on deviantArt that the bounty hunters from Cowboy Bebop, the best anime I've ever seen, should've tried and go for the bounty on Vash the Stampede of Trigun, the second best anime I've ever seen. And sure enough, someone had already thought of it and made a mashup video with Siroi Yama No Naka (by ShakkaZombie, btw) as the theme music.
So even if you don't know anything about Spike, Jet or Vash, just watch this video for the great tune:

Also, the best American anime ever is finally going to have its third season, and you can see the trailer here if you like.

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