Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I got my hypertext colors back to normal, using a somewhat inelegant solution. At least it worked, and I have no idea why it all went black in the first place. Oh well.
What's with all the bogus autobiographies lately? I guess it's not a new phenomenon (see Mike Warnke; does Milli Vanilli count? They were more in the bogus people category) but you'd hope publishers would upgrade their bullshit detectors. Oh you were adopted by wolves after you escaped from the Nazi death squads? So was my Grandma! Here have a book contract!
Anyways, here is a great blog I discovered today- a ScienceBlog I somehow never encountered before called Bioephemera. Browsing there I followed a link to Garfield minus Garfield, a brilliant idea if ever there was one.

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