Friday, May 22, 2009


For some reason I can only upload one photo to Flickr on the computer I use in Hinton and after that it crashes. It's a Windows so what can you expect?
Oh well. Technically I'm not even supposed to have these pictures let alone put them on the internet.
I do for three reasons: 1. I have never said the name of the company where I work or even really where it is, specifically.
2. I have never badmouthed the company in print, choosing instead to act as a sort of booster. They really do treat me well and I am glad to work there.
3. I post the pictures because they're all gummed up with awesome! Certainly not to make the company look bad.
People from all over the world contact me asking questions about them, some just are fascinated with the giant machines, some even build model replicas and need to know specs. So you know, just helping the world out!
Anyways, in totally other news, just remember that Avatar the cartoon is totally amazing no matter what kind of monstrous mess M Night makes of it.