Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Miscellany:

1. Last week John Scalzi posted a review of the new Green Day so I immediately went to the store to buy it only to discover it didn't come out for a few days yet. Anyways I have it now and it's good. Kind of American Idiot + Foxboro Hottubs + Warning which is an equation that = asskickery. I still think American Idiot is the best and most important mainstream rock album since Nevermind. Seriously- prove me wrong.
2. Saw a bear at work the other night. It was snowing and dusk, so we weren't sure if it was a large black or a very wet and bedraggled grizz. I am pretty sure it was a black bear but that would be the first I ever saw on the minesite which is pure grizzly habitat. Last year I saw this really weird creature that crossed the haulroad in front of me. I was like what the heck was that? After some thought I kinda leaned toward wolverine but wasn't positive. Then this week someone mentioned they saw something strange at about the same place and we discussed it and decided it was indeed a wolverine. Next week I hope to see a saber-tooth tiger.
3. Ever see Lords of Dogtown? I saw it the other night at wo . . . uh, I mean I saw it recently. It was really good. Heath Ledger's performance had some elements of the Joker in it which was interesting to see.
4. How about Bully Beatdown? I've seen it once and it was fun to watch a bully get his ass kicked (Michelle: men are weird) but I wonder what happens to the victims once the cameras go home. "Yeah I got beat by a professional fighter while you guys watched and laughed but now that they're gone I am gonna take that ten grand you got."