Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm pretty much the world's best writer over there in my haultruck. Nothing to do all day but read comics and listen to CBC podcasts and think about life. Then I come home and the genius evaporates like so much . . . stuff that evaporates.
Anyways. Can always talk more about comics. read two the last couple of days- Wolverine Origin, which I had really really low expectations for, but since it was library I thought I'd see how bad it was. Considering they (as the movie also showed) made him a little sickly child named James. But you know it wasn't that bad. At least he's still from Alberta! And the way he got the name Logan actually makes sense. So yeah.
And even more better? Planet Hulk. Some of my favorite comics are those ones where the heroes somehow get transported to another planet or dimension and there's always an evil emperor and gladiatorial games and slaves to be freed. Like when Hulk and the Defenders went to Tunnel World and had to overthrow the Unnameable. Still one of my favorite comics ever. And Planet Hulk is just like that but with less Namor. Too bad the ending is so sad. But Hulk can't have happy endings any more than um, like . . . well he just can't have a happy ending. Not allowed!

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