Friday, April 01, 2011

I usually run10 kms twice a week, and today woulda been the day to do it but my feet been really hurting lately (ever since my chiropractor decided they should be adjusted they haven't been doing too good). I even bought new running shoes since you need to do that way more often than you like to do that. Didn't really help. So today I went to the rec center and rode 10 kms on an exercise bike. Took half the time, used a quarter of the calories, and now, well, I can't sit down. I had a point beyond just whining for telling you that. Hmm. It does make you wonder though, I love being in shape and kicking ass but you're always sore or hurt from doing it. Still worth it.
Inheard about this book called BattlenHymn of the zither Mother. Aka Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. (ipad helping me out on my spelling there.) Caused an uproar in the Op-Ed pages and probably the Internet too, though not really the parts I hang out in. Pretty fascinating, I read it in just over a day, going so far as tot ake a break from my comic books. Well, I had all sorts of stuff to say, but my iPad is making it nearly impossible totypw a sentence coherently and, well, I canlt sit at my computer desk today. Exercise bike. But I hope to return to the topic soon! After night shift.

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