Thursday, December 31, 2020

And Finally, Games

 Alright, Happy New Year everyone. May it be better than DumpsterFire2020. Here is my games stuff, which required more graphics! First, the completed 2020 overall report:

But just counting games isn't enough, we need to do now many different games and all that! So yes, 

But of those plays, we have different games as well as games that were new to me this year:

And, here is how I did with my 10X10, which is a thing some baord gamers do to try to get some games played ten times. I failed badly:

And finally, here is the most played games of 2020:

Yup. I spent quite a bit of time on this, lol. But it was fun. I got the maple vectors from Boardgamegeek, btw.

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