Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I always think of September 15ths as auspicious days because it was on this date in 1997 that I left on a little cross-Canada hitch-hiking trip that continues to define me to this day. It was a cold, bleary and rainy day, as though God were testing my resolve. Now, seven years later, I am resolved to go away again, taking with me the wisdom and experience gained from all the other adventures before this. Am I invincible? No. Am I guaranteed safety and protection? No. About the only guarantee I feel comfortable making is that it will be full of fun, adventure and testing, and we, gabrielle and I, will emerge as better people. And that is worth any amount of discomfort or fright or even actual danger.
Any locals of my friends who want to join us at the Sugarbowl tonight at 7:00 please do.

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