Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Quite unexpectedly I find myself with some time to relax. It's been a hectic few days moving out and storing stuff, not to mention that I still had to work every day. Yesterday I pulled a muscle in my back first thing in the morning and the day just kept getting better from there. But now I think I am done what can be done, for now at least. Which leaves me with a few minutes to blog. So . . . what to write about? Should I mention the ethereal wraith that floated by outside my work last night? It was a guy dressed as Jesus in a white robe and a crown of thorns, walking by himself late at night. When I had a chance I went outside to see if he was still there, but by then he was halfway across the vast parking lot, ambling his way to Bethlehem, I suppose. But really, what more is there to say about that?
Anyways, I'm staying with Alissa and her awesome roommate Kavi for a few days so if you need to get a hold of me, well, you can't. but you CAN go read Alissa's blog which is utterly charming.

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