Thursday, January 24, 2008

This is how much I loved China Mieville's Perdido Street Station:

I took the book to work. I get to do a lot of reading at work, but coal mines are hard on books, so I usually only bring tattered paperbacks dredged from the used bookstores. But the urge to read PSS overpowered the desire to keep it mint, so my copy is now slightly soiled. On the plus side, I made an absurd amount of money reading about the bizarre denizens of New Crobuzon!
What should I tell you about said denizens? The less, the better, I think. Part of Mieville's genius is his ability to continually startle you with new and outlandish imagery. I don't want to rob you of that pleasure. But I sure look forward to discussing the Council's avatar with you, for example!
Some books you read and you think, I could do better than this guy. Other books you read and you almost want to give up writing at all since you will never be worthy. There was a bit of that latter when I read PSS but I decided to channel that energy to a positive direction instead.
So there you go- read this book! Tell me what you thought of it. And see if you can guess what tomorrow's fanart feature will be. Hint- the pic a few posts below is the only Perdido fanart I know of so your first guess is wrong.

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