Saturday, May 01, 2004

I have some bad news to share with you- Bruce my fish is dead. Actually I don't know for sure but I am forced to surmise this due to a number of facts I will share herewith:
a) When I went over to the House of Poo the other day to transport Bruce, he was not in his aquarium.
b) Bruce is unable to survive outside of his aquarium.

Thus, I must conclude that he has passed away. Sigh- I use this detached clinical language to hide my sadness, which is profound. Anyways, I gave the tank and other gear to my friend Sherry, who will hopefully have better luck with fish than I have had.

Ode to Bruce

You were an electric blue cichlid
You had a mini-castle where you hid
You ate all the suckerfish that cleaned up your tank
So I stopped buying them and your home got all rank
You had sharp little teeth and were very vicious
You didn't play very nice with the other fishes
I named you Bruce like Lee and Wayne
I hope your death didn't cause you pain
But maybe you didn't die you escaped
A fish vigilante like Batman, caped
Fighting some crime living in a cave
Bad guys don't scare you since you are so brave
Yeah, it's good to know that you're still out there
Watching out for innocents everywhere
So here's to you, my old friend Bruce
Have fun living your life on the loose

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