Saturday, March 25, 2006

In HUB Mall there is a bookstore where brand new books are supercheap. Excess inventory. Yesterday I found the exact poker book I've been looking for (6 bucks), as well as Watership Down, some travelogues, and the jackpot, Doug Chiang's Robota- ten bucks! There are still two copies left, any of you U of A students that might be interested *cough cough* Gotthammer.
In celebration of this great find, today I present you my Robotic Greatest Hits.
Robot Bear- a poem with a bit of an environmental message. Naturally!
The Robot and the Devil- a robot sells his soul. The sequel, in which he suspects he is being voodooed.
The Brotherhood of Fat Robots- A short short story of stirring eloquence and emotion.
The sort-of-true story of how I proposed to Michelle. A love poem to her, with robots. Robot's Cove, written on our honeymoon.
Cadaverous Cattle- actually about zombie cows, though it also features robot shepherds and robot rocks. What does a robot rock do? Mostly the same as a regular rock- not really anything.

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