Friday, December 19, 2008

 I'm not saying Wanted was terrible because it had some good entertainment value, but I sometimes wonder what goes on in those meetings where they greenlight films.
"So there's this magic loom, okay? It tells these weavers who to kill."
"What, like guys who make cloth?"
"Yeah, they started out a thousand years ago and they figured out their loom was speaking to them in binary code so they taught themselves how to control bullets."
"The weavers did. A thousand years ago."
"Yeah! So then Angelina Jolie is there and she's driving this car from outside of it on the hood."
"Angelina? Greenlight!"
Anyways today is Friday so I guess that means it's time for some fanart. My favorite Christmas character is the Grinch so check out TraditionalDanimatio's tributes to the green grouch, of which I will only provide one thumbnail, so you can check out the other two yourself:

And there are even more at SketchTavern.