Saturday, December 13, 2008

The thing that bothers me most about my job is not the long hours, the cold, the grease, the pulled muscles, the night shifts- what bothers me most about work is the radio. Being way out in the boonies we have to pipe in music from elsewhere so we get two classic rock stations and one country. So three flavors of suck. I know I've whined about this before so I won't belabor the point. But every now and then I can sort of get a staticy CBC which is almost worse than nothing since it just tantalizes but doesn't satisfy. Like today, on the Key of A, a show that plays live concerts from Alberta artists, they had Wendy McNeill and I couldn't really make it out that well, and anyways I was in and out of the truck doing work so I was aware of it but didn't get to hear much of it. But what I did hear just strengthened my resolve that she would be fantastic as the female singer in an Alberta Ballet production of Nightmare Before Christmas. Can we make this happen yet? Wendy is kind of like Red Riding Hood if RRH was the villain in the story and the wolf the victim. And didn't wear red. Need proof? Watch this video, which is kinda balletic itself in that it is all one shot:

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