Saturday, June 21, 2003

My plans to see Hulk fell through, so I will get to that next week sometime, hopefully. But I did finally get around to reading a Harry Pooter book, and I liked it. I 've been meaning to read those for a while, but I never had a copy handy. I liked Hagrid the best. I think I heard there's even a new book that just came out this week. Harry Pooter and the Thieves of Merseyside or something like that. But since I prefer used bookstores to buying them new, it might be a while before I get to any of the other ones. I want to at least read the next one before I watch the movies. And besides, those Phillip Pullman books are a higher priority to me- I liked the Golden Compass better than Harry Pooter, not to take anything away from Harry. It's just the Pullman books are that good. Darker, although I hear the other Pooter books get quite violent. Good children's literature is always a little violent and dark. Look at the Brothers Grimm or Roald Dahl. Heck, even Walt Disney. I read a lot of dark stuff growing up and look at me now- a perfectly well-adjusted bear if there ever was one.

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