Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Yesterday in the Droppings (where you can add your feedback) people were talking about kids books, sort of. Actually, just Everyone Poops, which I am ashamed to say I have never read- what's wrong with me? Reading it should be in the Homie Bear job requirement, eh? Anyways, what's your favorite kid's book? I am partial to Dr. Seuss, of course, as I'm sure you all are. O The Places You'll Go is so good (hey Diney whatever happened to your copy?), Yertle the Turtle, Horton, the Grinch, you name it, Seuss is the best. But what else is out there? Anyone know of any newer stuff that I wouldn't really be exposed to, being childless and all? I have quite a few children's books in my library- I love the artwork, and often the rhymes are pretty great too, or else just the simplicity of the story. And the humour. Heck, it's all good.
Neil Gaiman recently put out a children's book called Coraline, which I would be interested in reading- I think it is quite dark from what I've heard, like much of children's literature throughout history. Think Brothers Grimm and wolves and witches.
Oh yeah, and someone wrote a pretty funny Matrix poem, Seussian style, over at Matrix Essays.

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