Monday, June 23, 2003

Okay so I still haven't seen Hulk yet. Despite the mixed reviews, I still plan to. Even though I write movie reviews myself (well, a few, so far), I always advocate forming your own opinion, as often mine are at variance with everyone else's anyways. For example, a local critic, Marc Horton, has such an oppoosite view of what makes a good movie as I, that if he gives a movie a bad review, I want to see it. And vice versa for a good review. Although to be honest I generally don't bother reading what he has to say. Apparently he even gave away the ending to The Sixth Sense, which should be against the Movie Reviewer's Code of Ethics. However, many, many years ago he said something about Alien 3 (which coincidentally enough I just watched last night for the first time since its opening weekend) that became a beloved catchphrase for my friend Rowan and I- he called it "cynical and anti-life". When Rowan or I dub something with these words, we are bestowing high praise indeed.
Anyways, somehow I got off on a big, irrelevant ramble there. I was speaking of the Hulk. Though the Hulk is not particularly cynical or especially anti-life, I have always been a huge fan of the Green Goliath. Last year when I went to New York, and was just starting to get into the whole writing thing, I wrote a little tribute to my friend Jonny Smelter, as well as my hometown of Hinton, and of course it featured the Incredible Hulk, albeit in an indirect way. So I went and poosted it over at the Cave, which gives you lots to read there, if you are so inclined. I'm even putting a link, this time. Just for you.

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