Thursday, June 05, 2003

Today is the Feast Day for the Patron Saint of Anger. Yum yum, new Metallica music. I just listened to it for the first time- it's excellent. Very heavy. Lots of allusions to James' recent stint in rehab- "If I had my wasted days back would I use them to get back on track?" No hurdy gurdys or B-benders, or even a slower song a la Unforgiven. But what it lacks in experimentation it makes up for in aggression. And, again, they squeeze every last bit of space on the disc- it's a full 75 minutes, like Load and Reload. So far the tracks that stand out are Some Kind of Monster and The Unnamed Feeling, though I am sure others will make themselves known as I listen to it more. Oh yeah, it came with a free DVD featuring the rehearsals for all 11 tracks, which I haven't watched yet. Last night I tried watching the DVD that came with the Marilyn Manson CD, but I turned it off after a while to take Mike's money in pooker. Packaging a free DVD is a cool way to combat piracy, even if the content isn't all that interesting.
So anyways, after listening to St. Anger one time, I give it a 0 Poo rating.

What deserves 5 Poos is the speeding ticket I got while driving home from the CD store. Grrr!!! I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in years- because I am a Wily Bear who knows the ways and methods of avoiding radar traps. But I was a little complacent, being but two blocks from my house, so I was caught doing 72 in a 50 zone (note to my American friends- this is km/h, which is roughly like doing 45 in a 30 zone), on 109th street which is a major thoroughfare here in Edmonton. I didn't argue or even say anything, really, as I learned the hard way that it is much, much better to shutthafukup when talking to cops. Grrr again. It is a $136 ticket, which seems kind of steep to me. But on the plus side the cop didn't also give me a ticket for not having the correct address on my licence- I think he saw how unorganized I am when it took me five minutes to dig my registration out of my glove compartment, after pulling out old cards from 2000 and 2002 first, and decided to let it go. Grrrr!!!!!!

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