Friday, July 02, 2004

Fucking Canada Day
Why does July 1st mean "everyone gets liquored up and smashes stuff"? What does that have to do with the anniversary of Confederation? At least there wasn't a riot like three years ago. This morning as gabrielle and I went down for the daily drive to her work, I discovered that some asshole had smashed one of the windows of my car. They didn't even take anything! I know that would sort of be worse, but in a way it's more of an insult- wanton destruction was their only motive. Fuck. Did I say that yet? Let me say it again- fuck!!!!!
Now I have to pay around $175 200 to get it fixed.
I was pretty pissed off, but I think I am over it now. Mostly. As gabrielle pointed out, it could be worse. At least I'm not dead like Marlon Brando. Always putting things in perspective, that vampire nomad is.

PS- Canada Day is still a good day.

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