Thursday, July 22, 2004

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Smilodon the Saber Toothed Tiger
By Little Homie Bear

Tyrannosaurus Rex was the king of the dinosaurs! He was the most fiercest predator to walk this earth. Rarrgh!! he would roar before taking a chomp of Triceratops. His teeth were so sharp that it would probably take a lion and a shark and a bear together to equal the sharpness of his teeth. Tyrannosaurus lived in the Mesozoic Era, the Age of the Dinosaurs.
Smilodon is what scientists call the Saber Toothed Tiger. He wasn't as big as Tyrannosaurus, but he had teeth that were pretty much as sharp. And he could run fast and he liked to eat mammoths and cavemen. So he was pretty tough too.
I think in a fight you would think that Tyrannosaurus Rex would win, but really if you think about it, I think actually Smilodon would win. Here's why. Because even though T Rex is so big and mean he actually has these most eensy arms you've ever seen. They are pretty much only good for picking bloods and guts out of his teeth after a meal. So when Smilodon the Saber Toothed Tiger attacked first he would dodge T Rex's dagger teeth and then he would climb on and chomp his big saber teeth into T Rex's flesh there would not be much that King of the Dinosaurs could do, except maybe roar some more. Rarrgh!! Get off me!! He would say.
No way I am eating you Tyrannosuarus Rex king of the dinosaurs!!! is what smilodon the saber toothed tiger would say. Because most scientist think that the tigers were more smarter than the dinosaurs.
So that is who would win in a fight between the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex and the uncanny Smilodon Saber toothed Tiger.

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