Monday, July 12, 2004

Gravity- It's the Law!
My last job was really great because I could sit and read books about bears, or write poems about bears, or watch movies about bears, and every now and then someone would come in and I would help them. But not enough someones came in and so we went out of business and life goes on. My new job is not nearly so laid back. Moments of quiet reflection are few and far between. Though I did have opportunity today to explore a metaphysical question: if gravity was a person, what would he or she be like? What caused me to wonder was, I got a little pissed off at gravity and found myself wishing he was there so I could punch him in the nose.
I was making a blender drink (already the subject of a recent poost)and trying to get the resultant sludge to come out of the blender and go into the cup. But the stupid stuff always sticks to the bottom and you have to tap and hit them on the counter to make them come out, and invariably they will suddenly fly out and spill all over your hands and the counter and splash up into your face. "Stupid gravity!" I said, shaking my fist.
Anyways, I was tempted to anthropomorphize gravity as a tyrannical dictator, because he prevents us from flying; he kills us if we should happen to fall, even if accidentally, more than ten or twenty feet; and he does unpleasant things to old peoples' bodies.
But then I had to grudgingly admit that he does some good things too. Without him everything would just fly off the earth into space, probably. And, umm, he makes orbiting possible somehow. There wouldn't be much life on earth if we weren't orbiting the sun. So that's good, I guess.
Therefore I decided that gravity should join Father Time and Mother Earth in the Family of Concepts Much Bigger Than Us, and take his place as Grandpa Gravity. Crusty, a little mean, but ultimately looking out for all his grandkids.

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