Monday, December 12, 2005

Here is the first part of that dualism mythology story I promised the other day. I'll keep the "episodes" short and readable, to hopefully keep your interest. It's a little darker than, say, Homie Bear vs the Killer Whale, just so you know.

Uuuw’erruu awoke with nightmarish images fading from her consciousness. She had fleeting impressions of a dried and desiccated Wuurr, cast off by a gloating Krurk. Still groggy she shuddered and looked around. Dark, silent. As it should be, except . . . where was Rweruree? Alarmed now she grabbed her spear and jumped from the branch into the pond below. Her young scattered at her intrusion, then regrouped behind her. They seemed to be unmolested. Though, there was a faint trace of . . . she cursed. Goblin piss. Goblins always defiled birthing ponds. And if there were goblins around, then Rweruree’s absence was all the more ominous.
She followed the scent trail to land, where it was easy to pick up several sets of goblin footprints. She ran her spearhead over her venom glands, and took a deep breath to calm herself. Then she plunged into the jungle.
Before long she came upon a goblin corpse. Maybe Rweruree was alright. She kept going, and came to a clearing, all dark shadows and gloom. Scattered around were a few more goblin corpses, and Uuuw'erruu saw one living goblin bent over something she couldn't quite make out, though she knew what it was without seeing. She drove her powerful hind legs towards the goblin, letting out a furious wartrill as she propelled herself up over the startled goblin's head. The goblin swatted at her, but she twisted and released her spear just before she was sent sprawling. She landed softly, at the same time as the goblin thudded to the ground, her spear embedded in its eye.
Rweruree lay on his back, his throat sack inflating and deflating slowly. His breathing made a gurgling sound, and as Uuuw'erruu came closer she saw that his belly was open, his insides spilled on the ground. "Uuuw'. . . ," he rasped, but there was really nothing to say. Uuuw'erruu sat with her mate, crying, as his brilliant blue and yellow skin slowly faded, and he died.

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