Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wuurr and Krurk Part 2 of 2

Uuuw'erruu took Rweruree's body up into a tree, where it would be absorbed back into the jungle away from the putrid goblin corpses. She strongly considered pissing on those, but didn't want to stoop to their level. Once Rweruree's body was as safely hidden as she could make it, she climbed up to a higher branch to mourn, and to sing, and to pray.
The sun started its ascent, a slim sliver tinting the green canopy with a pinkish hue. Uuuw'erruu was deep in the Frogsong, transforming the notes of the melody Rweruree first sang to her as a mating call into a funeral dirge. She slowed the tempo, changed major keys to minor. Where Rweruree's song was bright, playful, and enticing, Uuuw'erruu's was dark, mournful,and aching.
She began to weave prayers into the song. Prayers to Wuurr, to lend Him strength and offer Him protection against Krurk's vile followers. She affirmed her dedication to serving Wuurr's cause, as the great bullfrog god continued his eternal struggle to swallow Krurk into Himself. The goblin god could claim a victory tonight, perhaps wresting his head a tiny bit out of Wuurr's relentless maw, but it would carry a heavy price, as Uuuw'erruu promised Wuurr to exact a fierce and bloody revenge.
The sun was no longer a sliver, but a sphere, and Uuuw'erruu arose. She inflated her throat sack to its fullest, blasting a terrible trumpet call of defiance, and went to serve her god.

(There! A dualist mythology. I had a dream the other night where I was fighting all these goblins, and for no reason at all there was this big frog thing swallowing a goblin. The goblin's head was in the frog's mouth, but the goblin was still struggling, trying to get free. The image stayed with me, I worked it a bit, and came up with this. PS- this is the kind of frog Uuuw'erruu is. A poison dart frog. Pretty.)

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