Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Bog Unicorn
Are your Digger pages ready months in advance or are you up late on a Wednesday night cursing the tuesday/thursday schedule? Do you write the Book of the Gear entries and put them up, or were they already written long time ago? (Will there be more????)

*grin* They're ready about two weeks in advance. I'm never up hammering them out the night before--I may occasionally curse the neccessity of hammering them out during a busy week, but I'm under contract to Graphic Smash, so I have a set schedule--Tuesdays and Thursdays, the first order of art business is to get Digger roughed in, Wednesday and Friday I'll take a few minutes to polish the roughs, over the weekend, I pop in the text. As long as I break it into small chunks, it's not an overwhelming task.

The Book of the Gear is different--I write it when I'm inspired. So I might write four or five entries in an hour or two, and then nothing for a week or so. It'll definitely be back, never fear, but the holidays tend to frazzle me a bit. It's one of those things where I really do have to be inspired to get it to come out, so it's kind've erratic at times...

Okay, I think that is plenty. Thanks again, Ursula. Ooh- one last question- I am trying to talk my wife into naming a future daughter Ursula (because it means bear!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!) and she is not convinced. What is the best thing about being named after the mightiest of all mammals?

Well, the best thing for me is that people are usually going "What an unusual name!" and you tend not to get confused with a bunch of other Ursulas in the same room. *grin* On the downside, people are always trying to spell it with an E.


To see more of Ursula Vernon's art, or to buy prints, go to Metal and Magic.

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