Friday, October 21, 2011

Although I didn't attend Comic-Con this year, I feel like I almost got more out of it in some ways by following the Twitter feeds of those who did, panelists and artists and such. Last year when we went, I hadn't yet fully resubmerged into the comics world, going mainly because of my long association with deviantArtists and the Star Wars community. And after all, it was Michelle's idea to go, for which I can thank Edward James Olmos since he gave her chills at a Calgary convention by saying "So say we all!" That was pretty great. Anyways, going in 2010 was the catalyst for me to jump back into comic fandom.
Thanks to the aforementioned Twitter feeds, I heard about yesterday's rather unexpected layoff of 15 Marvel employees. You certainly didn't hear about from Marvel's Facebook feed. The newspapers wouldn't really pick up on it, except for maybe a side paragraph in the business section where it would probably just speculate on how the move would impact Disney's share value or something. Here's a fairly informative article, maybe a little speculative as well but certainly more savvy than what I know. I'm just a guy who's loved the Hulk and Spider-man et al for over 30 years now. It's be nice if the custodians of these characters, the keepers of the legacy so to speak, were treated with a little more respect.

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